Invitation to Serve on the Planning Committees
by Joanna Maria Zawada and Sander van Eekelen
Co-Chairs of the 2024 Gathering
With great excitement, the Polish Transformational Presence community has invited the TP Graduate Community to Poland for our next Global Gathering in 2024. Joanna Maria Zawada and Patryk Lange along with members of the Polish TP community will be our hosts. Joanna Zawada (Poland) and Sander van Eekelen (The Netherlands) will co-chair the planning committees.

Plans are already moving forward. Dates and location will be announced later this year as the venue arrangements are completed. Watch the TP News for details in the autumn.
An Invitation to Join in the Planning
After 1 ½ years of working closely together, the 2022 Global Gathering Core Committee met one last time to reflect on our June Gathering and all we learned and experienced. Looking back brought such joy, openness, serenity, and acceptance for whatever will come next. All agreed that serving on this committee has been an invaluable experience.
After a short moment of stillness towards the end of the call, each member of the committee found clarity about their roles going forward. Almost half of the members will serve again for 2024, creating important continuity. And just over half of the members will now step aside so that others can experience this incredible opportunity of Potential-Based listening, planning, and co-creation.

Openings for Core Committee Members and Gathering Stewards
If partnering with an international group of Transformational Presence colleagues to plan the 2024 Gathering calls out to you, please email Joanna to tell her of your interest. We seek broad international representation on both the Core Committee and within the Gathering Stewards. Read on to learn what serving in either of these two groups involves.
Core Committee: The Core Committee is made up of 8 Transformational Presence graduates. For 2024, there are places for up to 4 new members.
The Core Committee will meet via Zoom every few weeks starting sometime in autumn 2022 up until the Gathering in 2024. In addition, there may occasionally be smaller group planning meetings in between the full group calls.
Core Committee members are asked to commit to being fully engaged in the planning process and to commit to attending the 2024 Gathering.
The Gathering planning is done through a Potential-Based process using many tools and concepts of Transformational Presence. Serving on this committee has proven to be a rich and rewarding experience with great learning and growth for all committee members.
If there are more than 4 volunteers, selection preference is given to those who have attended at least one previous Gathering or Summit and/or those who have been actively engaged in the Transformational Presence community. In addition, we strive for diverse international representation.
Gathering Stewards: For those who would like to be involved in the planning and support process but cannot commit to the larger responsibilities of the Core Committee, we invite you to consider serving as a Gathering Steward.
This group of 5-20 people plays a vital role in supporting the work of the Core Committee through the planning process as well as holding space and energy at the Gathering. They meet via conference call 4-6 times during the 18 months leading up to the Gathering. Being a Steward for the Gathering is a great opportunity to provide feedforward on the program as it develops and to play a key role in keeping a pulse on the energy during the Gathering itself.
While we certainly hope that all the Stewards will attend the Gathering, attendance is not required. It is always beautiful to know during the Gathering itself that there are stewards holding space for us from afar as well as in person.
Depending on how much one wants to be involved in this process, there are many different roles and possibilities. One thing, however, is sure: the journey of growth and transformation is at the core of who we are and what we do together.
Email Joanna to volunteer your service to the Core Committee or as a Gathering Steward.
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