I am in The Netherlands right now to lead the Transformational Presence Coach Training and the Soul Mission * Life Vision intensive programs. Although the first program doesn’t start until tomorrow, already there is great learning. When I bought my plane ticket to come to Holland a month ago, we still did not have enough people for either program. Yet intuitively I knew that I just needed to come because things were going to happen.
By the time I got on the plane to come, we had reached our minimum for Transformational Presence Coach Training and that was all set. However, we still did not have enough people for the Soul Mission workshop. Even before my plane landed, however, the energy was shifting. Still more participants were registering for the coach training and there was a new flurry of interest around Soul Mission. My Dutch organizers and I just held onto the vision that we would be in the right places at the right times for the conversations that needed to happen regarding these programs. And out of nowhere people kept showing up. Some will join us now, some will join us at a later date. But most importantly, we were showing up and things were happening.
It’s been almost 2 years since I first heard in my meditation: “Surrender to the service you are being asked for.” I have really followed that direction ever since. I just keep paying attention to what people are asking me for in terms of service and my work, and as long as it feels in alignment with who I am called to be and what I feel called to do, I say yes. I follow the energy and trust that things will unfold in a way that everyone wins.
Both workshops are on now. In the last few days so many people have said to me, “I’m so glad you are here. I know this is the right next step for me now.” That could not have happened had I played it safe and decided to stay at home because there were not enough people. And so I just keep saying “yes” to the service I am being asked for and trusting that amazing things will unfold with benefits for all.