Free Global Monthly Circles on Zoom in English
First Thursday of each month
2 pm ET / 11 am PT / 20 CET / 11:30 IST
Scroll down for Listening Circles in Finnish, Polish, and Swedish
Free to all who wish to join!
Register by sending an email including your name, email address, and the country where you live.
One of the most impactful aspects of the Transformational Presence approach is the practice of deep listening. It’s a way of listening beneath words, feelings, and what is obvious. Listening, sensing, and feeling into the energy field of a situation or topic, noticing what is asking for attention, and engaging with what emerges from a more expanded awareness.
The African concept of Ubuntu can be translated as “human kindness.” Yet as Transformational Presence Certified Coach Sascha Krijger says, “Its meaning is so much bigger than that. Ubuntu embodies the ideas of connection, community, and mutual caring for all. It is a belief in a universal human bond which says: I am, only because you are.”

Sascha created the Ubuntu Listening Circles during the coronavirus pandemic as a safe and welcoming virtual space where people could connect with one another and have in-depth dialogues from the heart. As we continue to navigate life with COVID, the Ubuntu Circles have become an important place of healing, of hearing and being heard, of seeing and being seen.
The philosophy of the Ubuntu Circles starts with recognizing the true worth of every human being. Together, we create a space that invites curiosity and compassion as well as appreciation for individual uniqueness and difference. These Circles are spaces where we create community—spaces where we create Ubuntu.
All are welcome. Participation is free of charge. We only ask that you come with an open mind and heart.
The free Listening Circles are organized on Zoom and facilitated by Transformational Presence graduates. Sessions are 60-75 minutes long. Each session opens with a short guided meditation followed by clear and simple guidelines for the Listening Circle itself. We then move into breakout groups of 4-6 people for the Listening Circles. After approximately 40 minutes, we return to the large group to close our time together.
The virtual Ubuntu Listening Circles are held on the first Thursday of each month at 2 pm ET / 11 am PT / 20 CET / 11:30 pm IST. We meet on Zoom.
Register here—Please send an email including your name, email address, and the country where you live.
After registering, you will receive a reminder email at the beginning of each month with the Zoom link for the next call. You only need to register one time. You are free to join the Circle whenever you are available.
The Ubuntu Listening Circles are all about connection, support, and meaningful dialogue. We hope you will join us!
Ubuntu Listening Circles in Finnish
First Thursday of each month
Information and Registration
Presence Circles in Polish—A Combination of Meditation and Ubuntu Listening Circle
Details available soon!
Ubuntu Listening Circles in Swedish
Details available soon!