Lloyd Wigglesworth Interviews Alan Seale
Lloyd Wigglesworth has been a business leader and Board Member of leading FTSE Companies in the UK. Currently an executive coach with The Alexander Partnership in London, Lloyd has participated in several Transformational Presence signature programs with Alan.
Lloyd introduces the audio interview that follows.

You have no doubt heard the phrase “the new normal” mentioned a lot in recent weeks. Yet what will “the new normal” be? And what is the role of leaders in creating it? Would it be a mistake for us to try to get things back to “normal” as quickly as possible? Should we really be trying to recreate the “old normal” as closely as possible to how things were BC (Before Corona)? What is the future waiting to emerge?
What if this global pandemic is actually an opportunity—a demand even—for a major rethink?
What if a future could emerge that is better not only for our organizations, but for individuals, countries, the world, everyone? It’s time to push the reset button on leadership.
Leaders are feeling a massive responsibility right now not only to save their businesses and get them back to how they were BC, but also to work out how everything should look in the future. Their training tells them that their action has to be immediate, and that a new and sustainable strategy must be devised quickly.
However, these times ask for a radically different approach. The challenge is: How can organizations or societies be rapidly redesigned from the way they have worked for decades without an understanding of the new rules of engagement? The old rule book has just been torn up.
It’s time for leaders to stop
The role of leaders right now is to stop. Stop thinking that they can simply put things back to the way they were. Stop believing that they can conjure up simple fixes or pretending they have immediate solutions. Leaders must stop, look, listen and sense what future is waiting to emerge. And then serve that future.
To discuss this topic further, Lloyd Wigglesworth, Partner in The Alexander Partnership in the UK, interviews Alan Seale, award-winning author, speaker, and mentor to leaders and coaches around the world.
In this podcast, Alan explores:
- The rules governing the way the world has worked up to now will not work going forward.
- Coronavirus is giving us all a massive wake-up call.
- We cannot redesign things without understanding the new rules.
- The leader’s job is to stop, look, listen and sense the potential for the future.
- We must not miss this opportunity. A window has opened up that may only occur once in our lifetime.
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