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Your Work in the World – Finding the Sweet Spot Between Generosity, Service, and Financial Sustainability

Many members of the Transformational Presence community are committed to making a difference in the world. They have huge hearts, and therefore tend to put more focus on serving the people and causes that are important to them than on how much money they can make. They tend to devote more energy to creative ideas and making a difference in their corner of the world than to business plans, profit/loss statements, or even just creating a budget. They follow their hearts and trust that somehow it will all work. And it often does – at least to some degree.

Yet for many of us, there comes a time when we must also pay attention to the practicalities of life and the long-term viability for our work. In other words, we come face to face with some “do not kid yourself” questions: Can my work nurture and sustain me in the coming years – emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially? What choices and considerations are important now to ensure a stable, comfortable, healthy, and sustainable future? In short, how can my work in the world support others and support me at the same time?

Of course, we can’t fully predict or control our future. However, we can check in with these questions from time to time, and we can make choices that feel most likely to support health and sustainability for ourselves, for our companies, and for those we love.

We are deep in these questions right now at the Center for Transformational Presence.

We’ve grown from the early years when I was a one-man operation offering workshops in my living room in New York City to being a global company with a small staff serving people from more than 35 countries on six continents. As our work has expanded, we have also become clearer about who we are and what we offer. Transformational Presence provides the foundational skill set and capacity development essential for conscious leadership in our rapidly changing world. We are passionate about supporting leaders, coaches, and people who want to make a difference in the world. It’s our part of helping to create a world that works. We are committed to leading from the edge of human consciousness development, stretching human capacities for awareness, perception, understanding, compassion, and connection.

To do that in the best way, we’re looking for the sweet spot where we are serving generously and, at the same time, creating a sustainable future that can support all that Transformational Presence stands for in the world. We’re looking for the sweet spot that sustains our work and sustains us to be able to give our best at the same time.

The process is sparking a lot of creative energy and opportunities. In the coming months, we will launch several new initiatives with that specific intention – to serve generously and to create sustainability and health on every level for the Center for Transformational Presence.

First, my new book, Transformational Presence: How To Make a Difference In a Rapidly Changing World, will be released in two stages in October and November. This book is incredibly timely for all that is happening in the world. Therefore, in order to get the book out quickly, and in honoring our intention for both generosity and sustainability, we will make this new book available as a free digital download from mid-October through November.

This will provide you with a valuable gift to share with your communities and networks as well as help to spread the message of Transformational Presence. Our hope is that the book will inspire new understanding and action on all levels of society all over the world.

By mid-November, the book will also be available for purchase in print and e-reader versions through and bookstores everywhere. And, of course, through our website as well.

Going forward on the generosity side, we will continue to offer free monthly community calls for the graduates of our Transformational Presence Leadership and Coaching programs. I will continue writing a weekly blog post and publishing our free weekly newsletter. We will continue offering free introductory webinars for our programs as well as offering free resources to support our community and visitors to our websites. And we will continue to make ourselves available to support our community members through short calls or email exchanges.

On the sustainability side, we are already offering more virtual learning opportunities. In the coming month, we will launch the Transformational Presence Leadership Center, a fee-based subscription area that will provide ongoing learning and resources to our community. We also envision ongoing mastermind, learning, and resource support in various formats that are focused on particular interest groups and industry sectors.

These subscription programs will invite a deeper level of engagement than just watching and learning. They will offer you support for taking your work further out into the world, further developing your message and content, and creating the structures and support systems that you need to make the difference you are here to make.

Our intention is to become a model for how generosity and sustainability can work hand-in-hand. We continue to listen for what we’re being asked to create, who it is asking us to be, and what it is asking us to do. At the same time, we are also paying attention to what we need in order to do our best work and to continue carrying Transformational Presence out into the world.

How about you? What is your work in the world? What is your sweet spot between generosity, service, and financial sustainability? How are you ensuring that your work will continue to sustain others and sustain you for years to come?

At the Center for Transformational Presence, we’re learning as we go. Sometimes we make mistakes, and some things don’t work out the way we had hoped. Other things surprise us and take off quickly. Step-by-step, we are finding our way. We are confident that if we listen to the energy of Transformational Presence, it will show us the way forward.

The same can be true in your work in the world. When you listen to its energy and how it wants to continue evolving and developing, it will show you the way forward. We’re here to support you in your continuing journey. Together, we can make a difference in this rapidly changing world.

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The Center for Transformational Presence

José Hendrikx (Belgium)

It must be about 5 years now since I met Alan for the first time. I was immediately taken by his energy and presence. The last two years Alan became my mentor.

In these years what really stood out for me is Alan’s gift to mentor without judgement. He guides gently, he helps you discover, and he is there when you fall down to help you get up again. He really helped me to discover and grow as a person and as a professional.

Today I feel more in balance than ever before, more in the present than I could ever imagine, more able to make conscious choices and stick with them.

In these past 5 years, Transformational Presence has been life changing for me and for the people around me. Life changing from its power, from the positive impact that it can create for people, organizations, and other systems, and from the easy approach to accessing this potential.

I am proud that I could have this experience, and I am honoured to be able to share this with the people and organisations I can serve.

José Hendrikx
Strategic Ideator and Business Booster
Straight Business Partners

The Center for Transformational Presence

José Hendrikx
Strategic Ideator and Business Booster
Straight Business Partners

It must be about 5 years now since I met Alan for the first time. I was immediately taken by his energy and presence. The last two years Alan became my mentor. In these years what really stood out for me is Alan’s gift to mentor without judgement. He guides gently, he helps you discover, and he is there when you fall down to help you get up again. He really helped me to discover and grow as a person and as a professional. Today I feel more in balance than ever before, more in the present than I could ever imagine, more able to make conscious choices and stick with them. In these past 5 years, Transformational Presence has been life changing for me and for the people around me. Life changing from its power, from the positive impact that it can create for people, organizations, and other systems, and from the easy approach to accessing this potential. I am proud that I could have this experience, and I am honoured to be able to share this with the people and organisations I can serve.