It seems like yesterday that I first spoke with Kim Adams about needing a personal assistant and support for the Center for Transformational Presence. Yet that was in 2013! Johnathon and I were at the home of Kim and her wife Toni for dinner. I had taken a preliminary job description with me describing the person that I hoped to find, secretly hoping that Kim might be that person. However, that evening I only asked her advice and whether she might recommend someone. She offered a few thoughts yet gave no indication that she might consider the job.
A few months later, we were together at the Boston Conservatory for an opera performance by students of my husband Johnathon. He was the Director of Opera Studies at the Conservatory at that time. During the first intermission, Kim casually asked if I had found someone for the job. I said, “Not yet,” and nothing more was said. During the second intermission, she brought the subject up again and suggested that she might be interested. And the rest is history! After nine amazing years, new opportunities are calling out to Kim. It is with great gratitude and appreciation as well as sweet sadness that we say farewell.
During the last few years, Kim’s work as an educator and speaker on after-death care options and as a coach and consultant for end-of-life issues has been steadily expanding. In particular, she is becoming recognized as a mentor and consultant for individuals and non-profit organizations wanting to start social model hospice homes in their communities. I love hearing her stories of bringing a Transformational Presence approach to this incredibly important emerging field.
As the Chief Action Officer here at the Center for Transformational Presence, Kim has been invaluable to me and to our community. She has handled administrative concerns as well as supported program participants through their courses and welcomed them into the
Transformational Presence community. At times, I have referred to her as our Chief Get-It-Done Officer as well as our “CHHO”—Chief Hand-Holding Officer! She has helped our participants and graduates navigate more challenges than you can imagine.
I am personally grateful to Kim for the many ways she has supported me as our work at the Center has expanded around the world. She has been masterful with logistics, and she has been my confidante in navigating opportunities and challenges. I cannot imagine these last nine years without her by my side.
Kim offers these departing words:
It is amazing to me that nine years have passed working with Alan and supporting this extraordinary Transformational Presence community. The connections and relationships that have been built are life-long and ones I hold dear. Yes, I have worked behind the scenes, answered hundreds of emails, organized the details for many TP programs, and provided guidance to many, yet this has never been just a “job” for me. It’s been a service calling that speaks to what Transformational Presence means to me as a way of life.
In 2013 when Alan and I first discussed what this role might look like, we only had a glimpse of what the job would become. We started with a list of some “tasks” we thought would be important. Over the years, we trusted one another to listen for what was needed next, and I stepped into each next need, growing and expanding my own capacities with each new learning edge. I am beyond grateful for my time of service with and for the community and to Alan. The natural evolution of ending this chapter is the perfect next step for me on my journey. My cup is full, and I look forward to staying in touch as I will always be a member of this beautiful Transformational Presence community!
Thank you, Kim, for all you have been for me and for the Transformational Presence community. You have been and are a gift to us all on so many levels. We wish you well in your next adventures! With much love and huge hugs.
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