A credo is a statement of what you believe and, in alignment with your beliefs, how you strive to live your life. A credo expands upon your soul mission or life purpose. While your soul mission is a statement of who you are and why you are here, a credo is a statement of howyou will live your soul mission. You might even think of it as a high-level set of instructions – a guiding light on your path.
While participating in the recent “Manifestation Wheel” workshop in the Netherlands, Jo Boniszewski wrote the words below. Perhaps it is better said that these words wrote themselves through her. In an inspired moment, all that she was experiencing during those days came together. She shared this statement with me and with our team of space holders and assistants.
Jo’s statement resonated so powerfully for me as a credo that I could also live by. I am grateful that she has given me permission to share her inspiring words here.
Stand tall in humility. Have a clear, heart-centred, long-term vision that you are totally committed to. Understand that your sacrifices set the rich and fertile foundation for expansion and abundance for all, at many levels.
You are called to have courage, to take considered risk and action – risk and action that will sometimes feel small and tedious, and at other times, bold and scary. Be grounded and centred in LOVE. Trust is your guide.
Relax into all of this, yet never compromise on your own deep belief in and commitment to this work.
Let’s look at Jo’s Credo line by line.
Stand tall in humility. Have a clear, heart-centred, long-term vision that you are totally committed to.
Such a powerful invitation to grow into humble confidence and a strong sense of self – of who you are called to be and what you are called to do.
We don’t become confident by just deciding to be confident. We grow into confidence through rich life experience – through both failure and success. Confidence emerges from within as we learn how to navigate enormous challenges as well as enormous opportunities. Humility and confidence must walk hand in hand. It is through the partnership of these two aspects of being that we make our greatest impact.
Understand that your sacrifices set the rich and fertile foundation for expansion and abundance for all, at many levels.
Living into your greatest potential will probably require some sacrifices along the way. However, sacrifice does not have to include suffering. Sacrifice can mean being so sure about your calling that there is no doubt within you about the choices you will make and why you are making them. You are willing to give up some things in order to live into the life you feel called to live, the gifts you feel called to share, the service you feel called to offer. You recognize that there are no guaranteed outcomes, yet by honoring your soul and living true to your values and calling, you stand a greater chance of a generous and fulfilling life.
You are called to have courage, to take considered risk and action – risk and action that will sometimes feel small and tedious, and at other times, bold and scary. Be grounded and centred in LOVE. Trust is your guide.
Indeed, courage. It can take enormous courage to live into your calling. Yet the more aligned you are with the life you are called to live, the less you feel the need to summon courage. Words of the American writer and civil rights activist Audre Lord come to mind: “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” As the Nike mantra goes, “Just do it.”
The risk and action of which Jo speaks is not reckless; instead, her words are considered risk and action. It’s about thinking things through when possible, being as informed as you can be about what you are getting into, and as prepared as you can be for what may lie ahead. It’s about planting seeds and seeing which seeds sprout, and letting that help you know which direction to go next. And it’s about refining your intuitive skills to the point that you trust that you will always find your way. Prepare in every way that you can, ground and center yourself in love, and take your next steps.
Relax into all of this, yet never compromise on your own deep belief in and commitment to this work.
This takes wisdom and experience – to know when to step back, take a breath, rest, and not take it all too seriously, and when to stand in fierce commitment to the life and work that you hold dear.
Perhaps Jo’s credo resonates for you. Or perhaps her words inspire you to create your own. Either way, get in touch with the core beliefs within you that are your guiding star. Trust them to guide and direct you. And then take your next steps.
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