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Announcing My Retirement from Transformational Presence Signature Programs

For the last ten years, when people have asked me about my work, I’ve told them that I have the best job in the world. I’ve been blessed to be the founding steward for Transformational Presence in the world. I’ve travelled throughout Europe and the Americas – to date, I have worked in 17 countries – and spent my time with incredible people who are committed to making a difference. I’ve guided and supported individuals and organizations in expanding how they perceive and think, and walked beside leaders and coaches as they manifested big visions. I have “family” all over the world. What could be more fulfilling?

Yet, to everything, there is a season. And in this season of my life, the longing to spend more time at home will not let go of me. It’s time to slow down, travel less, and do more of my work from home.

My intention is to open more time and space for mentoring leaders and coaches one-on-one and in small groups. I will reserve travel primarily for keynote speaking engagements, introducing Transformational Presence into new countries, and for occasional one- or two-day workshops.

Beginning a 3-Year Transition

Therefore, I am beginning a three-year transition towards retirement from the Transformational Presence in-person signature programs by 2023. Although my schedule for 2020 is quite full, I will take my first steps in that transition this year.

While I have led the Transformational Presence for Leaders and Coaches (TPLC) and Transformational Presence Leadership in Action (TPLA) courses in nine countries, the Netherlands has always been the heart of this work. Since 2012, I have led the TPLC course in the Netherlands twice a year, more recently in partnership with Gabriella van Rooij and the Seale Foundation.

However, starting in 2020, I will lead the TPLC just once a year through autumn 2022. This means that I will lead the TPLC twice in 2020—in Sweden in May (currently a waiting list), and in The Netherlands in October. In addition to the TPLC in The Netherlands in 2021, discussions are underway for me to introduce our work in two other countries in 2021.

Similarly, I will continue leading the Transformational Presence Leadership in Action (TPLA) and the Transformational Presence Leadership and Facilitation Mentoring Program (TPLM) courses in the Netherlands once a year through spring 2023.

After leading the Soul Mission * Life Vision and Manifestation Wheel four-day workshops for 20 years, I will lead these two programs for the last time in the 2020-2021 workshop season.

My last Soul Mission workshop will be October 1-4, 2020 in the Netherlands. Following on, my last Manifestation Wheel workshop will be March 25-29, 2021. And my final Soul Mission/Manifestation Wheel Masterclass will be on March 23, 2021.

To register for any of these programs in The Netherlands, please be in touch with Gabriella van Rooij at the Seale Foundation. A special thank you to Gabriella for all that she has done to support our work, not just in the Netherlands and Belgium, but indeed all over the world. She is an incredible gift to me and to this work.

Transformational Presence Lives On Through Those I Have Mentored

I have been closely mentoring Jo Boniszewski and Sander van Eekelen (Netherlands), Joanna Zawada-Kubik(Poland), and Trace Hobson (Canada) for the last several years to lead the TPLC and TPLA courses. Reviews from their editions of these programs over the last two years have been superb.

Jo and Sander have created a Dutch-language version of the TPLC called Intuitive Coaching With Impact: Transformational Presence Intensive Course (TPIC). While the curriculum and script for this program are the same as the TPLC, the structure has been revised to include a combination of in-person and virtual learning.

Joanna will lead the first Polish-language TPLC in February with a similar structure as Jo and Sander’s TPIC. She will be assisted by TPLC, TPLA, and TPLM graduate Patryk Lange. Joanna and other team members will continue to offer the TPLC in English in Poland as well.

Jo and Sander will lead the first Dutch-language TPLA in April. Joanna and Sander will lead an English-language TPLA in Poland in June.

Many other Transformational Presence graduates are taking this approach out into the world through their own programs and work in companies and organizations. In this way, Transformational Presence is making an impact in many countries.

Going forward, Jo, Sander, Joanna, and Trace are available to lead the TPLC and TPLA programs in English, Dutch, or Polish anywhere in the world. For further information about organizing courses with any combination of them in your country, please be in touch with the Center for Transformational Presence and we will make the appropriate introductions.

I have also mentored the team mentioned above along with Vincent Sark (Netherlands) to lead the Soul Mission and Manifestation Wheel courses in English, Dutch, or Polish. Joanna and Vincent will lead their first Soul Mission * Life Vision workshop in Poland in October. Any of the team members are happy to travel to your country to lead these programs as well.

Courses I Will Lead Through 2023

For your convenience, below you will find the full listing of the courses and events that I will lead personally through March 2023. This listing is complete as of this writing. Please see the Calendar page on our website for full details about particular programs.


  • January 20-24 – TPLM in Costa Rica
  • March 18-20 – TPLA in the Netherlands (1 place left)
  • March 24 – Soul Mission/Manifestation Wheel Masterclass in the Netherlands
  • March 26-29 – Manifestation Wheel in the Netherlands (3 places left)
  • April 29-May 1 – TPLA in Belgium
  • May 4-8 – TPLC in Sweden (waiting list)
  • August 10-12 – TPLA in Denmark for a private group
  • September 22-26 – TPLC in the Netherlands
  • September 29 – TPLC/TPLA Masterclass in the Netherlands
  • October 1-4 – Soul Mission * Life Vision workshop (last one led by Alan)
  • November 9-13 – TPLM in the Netherlands


  • January dates to be announced – Costa Rica Retreat: Enter the Silence – Hearing the Wisdom of Your Soul, Resting in the Embrace of the Earth
  • March 17-19 – TPLA in the Netherlands
  • March 23 – Soul Mission/Manifestation Wheel Masterclass (last one led by Alan)
  • March 25-29 – Manifestation Wheel in the Netherlands (last one led by Alan)
  • September 21-25 – TPLC in the Netherlands
  • September 28 – TPLC/TPLA Masterclass in the Netherlands
  • Dates to be announced—TPLM in the Netherlands


  • March dates to be announced – TPLA in the Netherlands
  • March dates to be announced – TPLM in the Netherlands
  • September dates to be announced – TPLC in the Netherlands (last one led by Alan)


  • March dates to be announced – TPLA in the Netherlands (last one led by Alan)
  • March dates to be announced – TPLM in the Netherlands (last one led by Alan)

I am grateful for the gift that Transformational Presence is in my life and work. This way of living, leading, and serving has brought opportunities, learning, and growth far beyond anything that I could have ever imagined. I look forward to what Transformational Presence has in store for me in the coming years.

Now, as I take my next steps, Transformational Presence also takes its next steps in expanding further out into the world through our graduates. Thank you to all for the gifts you share through your life and work. Together, we continue to do our part to create a world that works.

~ ~ ~

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The Center for Transformational Presence
Gijs Dullaert

Gijs Dullaert (The Netherlands)

So much has happened for me since I was first introduced to the Transformational Presence work. No matter what is going on, my grounding in Transformational Presence is never far away. Decision-making, both day-to-day and long-term, are so much easier and clearer now. I can still get caught on a personal rollercoaster from time to time, yet now I realize that it happens when I need to let go of something and take a big step forward. And now when the rollercoaster appears, I have tools and frameworks that help me quickly get grounded again, find clarity, and take action. I’m also getting better and faster at recognizing the rollercoaster before it sweeps me away.

More and more, I’m able to be a “vessel” for the things that need to happen. Most important to me is that I’m feeling much more at home in myself. My internal fire is so much stronger than ever before. I feel so privileged to have been introduced to Transformational Presence and to continue receiving its incredible gifts.

Gijs Dullaert,
Entrepreneur and CEO AIMMS
The Netherlands

The Center for Transformational Presence

Gijs Dullaert,
Entrepreneur and CEO AIMMS
The Netherlands

Gijs Dullaert
So much has happened for me since I was first introduced to the Transformational Presence work. No matter what is going on, my grounding in Transformational Presence is never far away. Decision-making, both day-to-day and long-term, are so much easier and clearer now. I can still get caught on a personal rollercoaster from time to time, yet now I realize that it happens when I need to let go of something and take a big step forward. And now when the rollercoaster appears, I have tools and frameworks that help me quickly get grounded again, find clarity, and take action. I’m also getting better and faster at recognizing the rollercoaster before it sweeps me away. More and more, I’m able to be a “vessel” for the things that need to happen. Most important to me is that I’m feeling much more at home in myself. My internal fire is so much stronger than ever before. I feel so privileged to have been introduced to Transformational Presence and to continue receiving its incredible gifts.